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Japan Snippets: Rinnō-jiJapan Snippets: Rinnō-ji
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Japan snippets: Tokyo SkytreeJapan snippets: Tokyo Skytree
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  • @sarafarman9450
    @sarafarman9450 14 днів тому

    Als een 3vwo leerling dank ik u zeer!

  • @leilajonckheere6721
    @leilajonckheere6721 19 днів тому


  • @MazeGaming14
    @MazeGaming14 19 днів тому

    He daddy sepp

  • @joachimkoch1480
    @joachimkoch1480 2 місяці тому

    De muziek mag van mij weg. Je bent nauwelijks te verstaan

  • @lucasvercauteren2244
    @lucasvercauteren2244 6 місяців тому

    PERFECT voor zelf een persoon uit het 2de middelbaar (voor een beetje herhaling)!!

  • @user-kp4ow7ed8c
    @user-kp4ow7ed8c 7 місяців тому

    Ik moest dit kijken voor aardrijkskunde

  • @runevanmoortel8632
    @runevanmoortel8632 9 місяців тому

    Ik bekeek dit filmpje met 1A3. We zijn nu heel goed voorbereid!

  • @Laqxy
    @Laqxy 9 місяців тому


  • @jonashassel5404
    @jonashassel5404 10 місяців тому

    🔹️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God saves man from the destruction of this old world" (The disasters in the world are intensifying every day, and in My home, the dire disasters are intensifying. Since the change is now taking place, people do not know where they will step next. It will be it is only revealed after My judgment. Remember! These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. I speak to My firstborn children in tones of comfort, compassion, and love (because always If I enlighten these people and I will not leave them, because I have appointed them), while I subject people apart from My first-born children to severe judgment, to threats, and to intimidation, making them always afraid until point they are always nervous. Sons of the great red dragon, listen to Me! I came from Zion and incarnated on earth to gain My firstborn sons, to shame your father (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to help My first-born children, and correct the wrongs done to My first-born children. In the past, My children were intimidated and oppressed, and since the Father holds power for the children, My children will return to My loving embrace, never to be intimidated and oppressed again. More importantly, this is the only way that will allow My first born children to reign with Me in power.) Almighty God said DISASTERS in the WORLD are INTENSIFYING EVERY DAY, and in My HOME, severe disasters are intensifying. People have REALLY NOTHING to HIDE, NO PLACE they can hide THEMSELVES. Because the CHANGE is HAPPENING NOW, PEOPLE do not KNOW where they will step NEXT. It will only be revealed after My judgment. Remember! 😪 These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. For ALL My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, I will comfort them one by one, I will RAISE them step by step; as for the servants, I will remove and abandon them one by one. 🙏 ☀️ This is a part of My management plan. After all the servants have been revealed, My firstborn children will also be revealed. (For Me, this is very easy. AFTER THEY HEAR My WORDS, ALL the SERVANTS will gradually retreat BEFORE THE JUDGMENT and threat of My WORDS, and ONLY My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN will be left. 🙏 It is not a voluntary thing nor can it be changed by human will; rather, it is My Spirit personally working.) This is not a distant event, and you should somehow and must infer it from within this phase of My work and My words. Why I will speak so much and the unpredictability of My expressions is beyond people's understanding. I SPEAK to My FIRST CHILDREN in a TONE of COMFORT, COMPASSION, and LOVE (Because I always illuminate these people and never forsake them, because I consigned them), as I SUBJECT people APART from My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN in SEVERE JUDGMENT, in THREATS, and INTIMIDATION, which MAKES them ALWAYS AFRAID to the POINT where they are ALWAYS NERVOUS. ☀️ When the SITUATION REACHES a certain POINT, they will ESCAPE from this CONDITION (when I destroy the world, these people will go to the eternal deep), but they will NEVER ESCAPE My HAND in JUDGMENT, and they will NEVER FREE from this SITUATION. ☀️ This, THEN, is their JUDGMENT; this is their CHASTISEMENT. On the DAY the FOREIGNERS COME, I WILL REVEAL these PEOPLE one by one. These are the steps in My work. Now, do you understand the purpose behind My previous utterances of those words? In My opinion, something that has not been fulfilled is also something that has been fulfilled, but something that has been fulfilled does not necessarily mean something that has been achieved. This is because I have My wisdom, and I have My way of doing things, which people really cannot understand. When I have achieved results in this step (when I have revealed all those who are evil against Me), I will start the next step, because My will is unstoppable and no one dares to hinder My plan of management and nothing dares to put obstacles - they must get out of the way! CHILDREN of the GREAT RED DRAGON, LISTEN TO ME! ☀️ I CAME from ZION and was INCARNATED on WORLD to GET My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, to SHAME your FATHER (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to HELP My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, and RECTIFY THE WRONG DONE to My FIRSTborn CHILDREN. ☀️🙏 So DON'T BE CRUEL AGAIN; I WILL LET My ELDERLY CHILDREN fix you. IN THE PAST, My CHILDREN HAVE BEEN FEARED and OPPRESSED, and since the FATHER HOLDS POWER for the CHILDREN, My CHILDREN will RETURN to My LOVING EMBRACE, never to be FEARED and OPPRESSED AGAIN. 🙏💐 I am not unrighteous; It SHOWS My RIGHTEOUSNESS, and it is REALLY "loving what I love and hating what I hate." ☀️ If you say that I am unrighteous, you should hurry away. Do not be shameless and smoke in My home. You should hurry back to your home so I don't have to see you. The ETERNAL DEPTH is your DESTINY and there you WILL STAY. If you are in My home, there will be no place for you, because you are work animals; you are the tools I use. When I can no longer use you, I will THROW you into the FIRE to BURN you. These are My administrative assignments; I have to do it this way, and this alone shows how I work and reveal My righteousness and My majesty. MORE IMPORTANTLY, this is the only WAY that WILL ALLOW My FIRSTBORN SONS to RULE with Me in POWER. 🙏💐 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not prevail over it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and it will be fulfilled that will be established above the sky/UA-cam in (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . . . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." 💌

  • @jonashassel5404
    @jonashassel5404 10 місяців тому

    🔹️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God saves man from the destruction of this old world" (The disasters in the world are intensifying every day, and in My home, the dire disasters are intensifying. Since the change is now taking place, people do not know where they will step next. It will be it is only revealed after My judgment. Remember! These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. I speak to My firstborn children in tones of comfort, compassion, and love (because always If I enlighten these people and I will not leave them, because I have appointed them), while I subject people apart from My first-born children to severe judgment, to threats, and to intimidation, making them always afraid until point they are always nervous. Sons of the great red dragon, listen to Me! I came from Zion and incarnated on earth to gain My firstborn sons, to shame your father (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to help My first-born children, and correct the wrongs done to My first-born children. In the past, My children were intimidated and oppressed, and since the Father holds power for the children, My children will return to My loving embrace, never to be intimidated and oppressed again. More importantly, this is the only way that will allow My first born children to reign with Me in power.) Almighty God said DISASTERS in the WORLD are INTENSIFYING EVERY DAY, and in My HOME, severe disasters are intensifying. People have REALLY NOTHING to HIDE, NO PLACE they can hide THEMSELVES. Because the CHANGE is HAPPENING NOW, PEOPLE do not KNOW where they will step NEXT. It will only be revealed after My judgment. Remember! 😪 These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. For ALL My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, I will comfort them one by one, I will RAISE them step by step; as for the servants, I will remove and abandon them one by one. 🙏 ☀️ This is a part of My management plan. After all the servants have been revealed, My firstborn children will also be revealed. (For Me, this is very easy. AFTER THEY HEAR My WORDS, ALL the SERVANTS will gradually retreat BEFORE THE JUDGMENT and threat of My WORDS, and ONLY My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN will be left. 🙏 It is not a voluntary thing nor can it be changed by human will; rather, it is My Spirit personally working.) This is not a distant event, and you should somehow and must infer it from within this phase of My work and My words. Why I will speak so much and the unpredictability of My expressions is beyond people's understanding. I SPEAK to My FIRST CHILDREN in a TONE of COMFORT, COMPASSION, and LOVE (Because I always illuminate these people and never forsake them, because I consigned them), as I SUBJECT people APART from My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN in SEVERE JUDGMENT, in THREATS, and INTIMIDATION, which MAKES them ALWAYS AFRAID to the POINT where they are ALWAYS NERVOUS. ☀️ When the SITUATION REACHES a certain POINT, they will ESCAPE from this CONDITION (when I destroy the world, these people will go to the eternal deep), but they will NEVER ESCAPE My HAND in JUDGMENT, and they will NEVER FREE from this SITUATION. ☀️ This, THEN, is their JUDGMENT; this is their CHASTISEMENT. On the DAY the FOREIGNERS COME, I WILL REVEAL these PEOPLE one by one. These are the steps in My work. Now, do you understand the purpose behind My previous utterances of those words? In My opinion, something that has not been fulfilled is also something that has been fulfilled, but something that has been fulfilled does not necessarily mean something that has been achieved. This is because I have My wisdom, and I have My way of doing things, which people really cannot understand. When I have achieved results in this step (when I have revealed all those who are evil against Me), I will start the next step, because My will is unstoppable and no one dares to hinder My plan of management and nothing dares to put obstacles - they must get out of the way! CHILDREN of the GREAT RED DRAGON, LISTEN TO ME! ☀️ I CAME from ZION and was INCARNATED on WORLD to GET My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, to SHAME your FATHER (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to HELP My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, and RECTIFY THE WRONG DONE to My FIRSTborn CHILDREN. ☀️🙏 So DON'T BE CRUEL AGAIN; I WILL LET My ELDERLY CHILDREN fix you. IN THE PAST, My CHILDREN HAVE BEEN FEARED and OPPRESSED, and since the FATHER HOLDS POWER for the CHILDREN, My CHILDREN will RETURN to My LOVING EMBRACE, never to be FEARED and OPPRESSED AGAIN. 🙏💐 I am not unrighteous; It SHOWS My RIGHTEOUSNESS, and it is REALLY "loving what I love and hating what I hate." ☀️ If you say that I am unrighteous, you should hurry away. Do not be shameless and smoke in My home. You should hurry back to your home so I don't have to see you. The ETERNAL DEPTH is your DESTINY and there you WILL STAY. If you are in My home, there will be no place for you, because you are work animals; you are the tools I use. When I can no longer use you, I will THROW you into the FIRE to BURN you. These are My administrative assignments; I have to do it this way, and this alone shows how I work and reveal My righteousness and My majesty. MORE IMPORTANTLY, this is the only WAY that WILL ALLOW My FIRSTBORN SONS to RULE with Me in POWER. 🙏💐 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not prevail over it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and it will be fulfilled that will be established above the sky/UA-cam in (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . . . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." 💌

  • @emmanuellarizikinzabandora7176


  • @ronalddasilvarezende3324
    @ronalddasilvarezende3324 Рік тому

    God death.

  • @philipdaelman1684
    @philipdaelman1684 Рік тому

    Je FILMPJES zijn goed en informatief .TIP kijk eens naar History Hustle Nederlands .Te luide storende muziek en volumewisseling is echt minder fijn om aandacht te behouden .Je bent toch geen muziek verdeler maar wilt de geschiedenis bekender maken volgens mij .Veel succes

    • @jonashassel5404
      @jonashassel5404 10 місяців тому

      🔹️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God saves man from the destruction of this old world" (The disasters in the world are intensifying every day, and in My home, the dire disasters are intensifying. Since the change is now taking place, people do not know where they will step next. It will be it is only revealed after My judgment. Remember! These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. I speak to My firstborn children in tones of comfort, compassion, and love (because always If I enlighten these people and I will not leave them, because I have appointed them), while I subject people apart from My first-born children to severe judgment, to threats, and to intimidation, making them always afraid until point they are always nervous. Sons of the great red dragon, listen to Me! I came from Zion and incarnated on earth to gain My firstborn sons, to shame your father (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to help My first-born children, and correct the wrongs done to My first-born children. In the past, My children were intimidated and oppressed, and since the Father holds power for the children, My children will return to My loving embrace, never to be intimidated and oppressed again. More importantly, this is the only way that will allow My first born children to reign with Me in power.) Almighty God said DISASTERS in the WORLD are INTENSIFYING EVERY DAY, and in My HOME, severe disasters are intensifying. People have REALLY NOTHING to HIDE, NO PLACE they can hide THEMSELVES. Because the CHANGE is HAPPENING NOW, PEOPLE do not KNOW where they will step NEXT. It will only be revealed after My judgment. Remember! 😪 These are the steps in My work, and this is the way I work. For ALL My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, I will comfort them one by one, I will RAISE them step by step; as for the servants, I will remove and abandon them one by one. 🙏 ☀️ This is a part of My management plan. After all the servants have been revealed, My firstborn children will also be revealed. (For Me, this is very easy. AFTER THEY HEAR My WORDS, ALL the SERVANTS will gradually retreat BEFORE THE JUDGMENT and threat of My WORDS, and ONLY My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN will be left. 🙏 It is not a voluntary thing nor can it be changed by human will; rather, it is My Spirit personally working.) This is not a distant event, and you should somehow and must infer it from within this phase of My work and My words. Why I will speak so much and the unpredictability of My expressions is beyond people's understanding. I SPEAK to My FIRST CHILDREN in a TONE of COMFORT, COMPASSION, and LOVE (Because I always illuminate these people and never forsake them, because I consigned them), as I SUBJECT people APART from My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN in SEVERE JUDGMENT, in THREATS, and INTIMIDATION, which MAKES them ALWAYS AFRAID to the POINT where they are ALWAYS NERVOUS. ☀️ When the SITUATION REACHES a certain POINT, they will ESCAPE from this CONDITION (when I destroy the world, these people will go to the eternal deep), but they will NEVER ESCAPE My HAND in JUDGMENT, and they will NEVER FREE from this SITUATION. ☀️ This, THEN, is their JUDGMENT; this is their CHASTISEMENT. On the DAY the FOREIGNERS COME, I WILL REVEAL these PEOPLE one by one. These are the steps in My work. Now, do you understand the purpose behind My previous utterances of those words? In My opinion, something that has not been fulfilled is also something that has been fulfilled, but something that has been fulfilled does not necessarily mean something that has been achieved. This is because I have My wisdom, and I have My way of doing things, which people really cannot understand. When I have achieved results in this step (when I have revealed all those who are evil against Me), I will start the next step, because My will is unstoppable and no one dares to hinder My plan of management and nothing dares to put obstacles - they must get out of the way! CHILDREN of the GREAT RED DRAGON, LISTEN TO ME! ☀️ I CAME from ZION and was INCARNATED on WORLD to GET My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, to SHAME your FATHER (these words are addressed to the descendants of the great red dragon), to HELP My FIRSTBORN CHILDREN, and RECTIFY THE WRONG DONE to My FIRSTborn CHILDREN. ☀️🙏 So DON'T BE CRUEL AGAIN; I WILL LET My ELDERLY CHILDREN fix you. IN THE PAST, My CHILDREN HAVE BEEN FEARED and OPPRESSED, and since the FATHER HOLDS POWER for the CHILDREN, My CHILDREN will RETURN to My LOVING EMBRACE, never to be FEARED and OPPRESSED AGAIN. 🙏💐 I am not unrighteous; It SHOWS My RIGHTEOUSNESS, and it is REALLY "loving what I love and hating what I hate." ☀️ If you say that I am unrighteous, you should hurry away. Do not be shameless and smoke in My home. You should hurry back to your home so I don't have to see you. The ETERNAL DEPTH is your DESTINY and there you WILL STAY. If you are in My home, there will be no place for you, because you are work animals; you are the tools I use. When I can no longer use you, I will THROW you into the FIRE to BURN you. These are My administrative assignments; I have to do it this way, and this alone shows how I work and reveal My righteousness and My majesty. MORE IMPORTANTLY, this is the only WAY that WILL ALLOW My FIRSTBORN SONS to RULE with Me in POWER. 🙏💐 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and "When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His garment was stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not prevail over it.". ... and "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... And fulfillment of "The New Jerusalem" 💫 (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit enveloped me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, which coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩 Calling and leading the sheep of God to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He will continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say with a loud voice, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... and it will be fulfilled that will be established above the sky/UA-cam in (Isaiah 2: 2 / 9:6) "On the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock there. " . . . "For a baby boy is born to us. The rule will be given to him; and he shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." 💌

  • @politicoloog
    @politicoloog Рік тому

    Goed idee en ambitieus met drie kastelen in drie landen alleen had er meer tijd aan de productie en verhaal (oa. muziek) kunnen worden besteed.

  • @wardieplayer1394
    @wardieplayer1394 Рік тому

    Dankjewel man 6 jaar later en je hebt juist mijn examen gered

  • @aflash_stumbleguys1076
    @aflash_stumbleguys1076 Рік тому

    Nu weet ik meer voor me spreekbeurt

  • @rosapinas1459
    @rosapinas1459 Рік тому

    Ik heb een voldoende door deze video

  • @Blockxss
    @Blockxss Рік тому

    Wilma dankjewel nu weet ik het zeker

  • @OloYoutube
    @OloYoutube Рік тому

    Is iemand hier gekomen door mr.Quintins ?

  • @jannesgamez7653
    @jannesgamez7653 2 роки тому

    Goeie uitleg maar de muziek mag wat zachter

  • @jesse4538
    @jesse4538 2 роки тому

    zeer vette vid man, ga zo door, ik hoop dat je ooit de 420 abbonees haalt, echt een mooi youtube kanaal man, ik vind dit prachtig en wil zelf ook graag een kanaal als dit bezitten. kan ik tips krijgen over hoe ik een kanaal zoals dit creeer? graag. veel groet dieje

  • @nynke1599
    @nynke1599 2 роки тому

    ben niks opgeschoten en heb een vind ik niet leuk gegeven! 😡

  • @grootkaasblok
    @grootkaasblok 2 роки тому

    Jeeeeetje, wat een niet informatief filmpje en wat en slecht TEMPO!!!! GRRRRR

  • @gillesdereere1389
    @gillesdereere1389 2 роки тому

    Wajow is wel sjijk hahaaha merciii

  • @kaam4380
    @kaam4380 2 роки тому


  • @dej1971
    @dej1971 2 роки тому

    I liked! also have been in some netherlands castles; ua-cam.com/channels/VmUD7XwnnJJFgZ3Nj5Y71Q.html

  • @realpossie
    @realpossie 2 роки тому

    Kheb morgen (vandaag eigenlijk) mijn examens en ik begin nu pas te studeren. Het is bijna 1 uur

    • @realpossie
      @realpossie 2 роки тому

      Ennnn ik ben terug voor m’n eindexamens. Wens me geluk

    • @zinedcool7669
      @zinedcool7669 9 місяців тому


  • @karimadebza1481
    @karimadebza1481 2 роки тому

    thx voor de uitleg ik ben voorbeired

  • @karimadebza1481
    @karimadebza1481 2 роки тому

    thx voor dr uitleg ik ben voorbereid

  • @chadiplays1390
    @chadiplays1390 2 роки тому

    Niet stoppen met de videos

  • @milavanbon8882
    @milavanbon8882 2 роки тому

    ik versta er helemaal niks van

  • @lennartsas1651
    @lennartsas1651 2 роки тому

    u moeder ge maakt het iedereen moeilijk

  • @noadegroote778
    @noadegroote778 3 роки тому

    yay , dankjewel !

  • @paulinestruyven3075
    @paulinestruyven3075 3 роки тому

    Danku, ge zijt een held

  • @gijsdamen5108
    @gijsdamen5108 3 роки тому

    Waarom gaat dit filmpje iedere keer zo hard. Jemig echt hoor dit is intens vervelend m´n halve klas is nu doof.

  • @gert1297
    @gert1297 3 роки тому

    wat ee vervelende muziek

  • @alexitoyoutubekanaal3451
    @alexitoyoutubekanaal3451 3 роки тому

    Als een mooi kasteel Wi-Fi zal hebben en miss warmer zal zijn en met kok... zal ik miss ook wonen ! 🙂

  • @cassiestentje1904
    @cassiestentje1904 3 роки тому

    Top video!

  • @1955piet
    @1955piet 3 роки тому

    Wat een informatief document, jammer van de onnodige muziek, erg storend hierdoor raakt de boodschap ondergesneeuwd!

  • @kurtramon2329
    @kurtramon2329 3 роки тому

    Bedankt voor de uitleg. Ik ben er goed mee geholpen.

  • @rosalievanderpoel4592
    @rosalievanderpoel4592 3 роки тому

    Fijn filmpje, Jammer van de muziek.

  • @joahvanleeuwen9224
    @joahvanleeuwen9224 3 роки тому

    Stuije wil dat we dit kijken

  • @fxcyy6985
    @fxcyy6985 3 роки тому


  • @iailwjoaao
    @iailwjoaao 3 роки тому

    thx je hebt me echt geholpen!!!

  • @warrend.morton9249
    @warrend.morton9249 3 роки тому

    Super goed

  • @leviotto4419
    @leviotto4419 3 роки тому

    Door dat lied versta ik geen ene moer van jouw uitleg

  • @shadowbs_bs
    @shadowbs_bs 3 роки тому

    Ik heb veel bijgeleerd

  • @salahdindahri
    @salahdindahri 3 роки тому

    u moeder is geboren in de 1eeuw é hmar

  • @Dyotemang24
    @Dyotemang24 3 роки тому

    Door die liedje hoor ik niks en raak ik afgeleid

  • @DutchGuyXXX
    @DutchGuyXXX 3 роки тому

    Het huidige kasteel de haar is net een eeuw oud en is op fundamenten van een ouder kasteel gebouwd door architect pierre kuijpers. Het is een fantasie kasteel gebouwd voor de rothschilds.